About Mouradian

Hmm. I am an awkward, passionate, strong, and a real person that is far from perfect. Not sure where I will lead this blog from here but it is time to get this thing rolling again.

Trouble Waking Up

Mourad Ventures

Here is a cool gadget that will get you up and ready to accomplish whatever tasks you have set for the day. This alarm clock is a robot that actually dances around to the music that is synced with it. The alarm is i-pod compatible and this robot is not a one trick pony, there are brain games amongst other activities included in the bot. Your children can play with the gadget and the robot can aid your kid to sleep acting as a nightlight and relaying soothing music is amongst it attributes. Click the video and be amazed.

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Craving Deliciousness???

Mourad Ventures

Craving Deliciousness???

Go ahead and click the link to create this good eat. I added thyme and a little bit of all spice to give it a little more flavor, but I will definitely recommend this meal for anyone wanting to make something at home rather than dining out.

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Just you and your C.E.O

Mourad Ventures

Just you and your C.E.O

Well here are some ways to break the ice when your caught alone with the big man in office also known as the C.E.O.

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Scented Phone Device?

Mourad Ventures

This Device, “Chatperf” gives you the option to send a particular smell to other friends that have the device attached to their phone. It could also be interactive relating to games on the phone such as in a shooter game the device would give off the scent of gun powder. I think this is very cool and would be awesome to have.

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Take Responsibility Parents and Children


Take Responsibility Parents and Children

The number of deaths that occur while texting surpassed the drunk driving annual death total. Both texting and drunk driving have the same implications, which is being distracted while driving. Parents need to sit down and talk to their kids about both issues. There is no reason why parents cannot explain to their kids the potential risks of participating in these dangers.

Although parents may explain the issues of the dangers for the texting while driving. Teens, you need to take responsibility while driving. Any text can wait, I guarantee it is not worth your life just to send a message. If texting overrides driver’s responsibility then their license needs to be shredded. Putting others in danger for a lack of responsibility is not fair to anyone. Imagine you veering off into traffic from texting and you kill someone. You live and they die…you have to live with that on your conscious for life and on top of that you could have injured yourself plus face jail time. For What? A Text? How smart is that?

If you are drunk call someone to pick you up and if you need to text pull over or just wait until you get to the destination…or even have someone text for you… No text is worth any loss of life.

Open Your Home With A Single Touch


Open Your Home With A Single Touch

This innovating key set created by Kwikset Locks, allows you to pair your iPhone 4 or 5 with the lock to create key-less entry. The Lock will only be accessible by you. The key set also recognizes if you are in the house or not as well. And if you do not want to carry your iPhone with you all the time there is a key fob to allow you to enter without the iPhone.

Boston Marathon Conspiracies

Mourad Ventures



I can understand the research that many devote their life to attempt to figure out the true evils that our government can do to undermine the people of the United States. Most of the claims made by conspirators have been debunked and flat out have no support but these standout click the link above to see what I am talking about. I hope that these are false and our government would not create a “terror propaganda” to show that we have pride in our nation. Everyone knows every time a disaster happens something is triggered to where we show our pride in the red, white, and blue. 

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Programmable Pill Dispenser

Mourad Ventures

Programmable Pill Dispenser

This is a invention that was created to prevent overdoses of painkillers or any other addicting medicines. The Dispenser can be programmed by the pharmacists or doctors that provides you with a script for your medicine. The medicine will dispense by the programmed timed only which presents less of a chance for an overdose to occur.

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Here’s a Cool Find

Mourad Ventures

Here's a Cool Find

These are glasses which emits a green light that programs your internal clock for you to have sleep if you are traveling through multiple time zones.

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Time for Your Summer Body

Mourad Ventures

Time for Your Summer Body

Personally I purchased insanity and insanity asylum which works for me but here are a few more options for YOU.

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